Opioid and Pills Addiction


Opioid as Pain Relievers
There are a variety of prescription pain relievers that are abused. Waiting to hit rock bottom is too late with opioid, as overdose is often the result. Prescription opioids currently identified with potential for abuse.

Opioids Effect on Body & Health
Prescription opioids can be swallowed, snorted, smoked or injected, and each method has short and long-term effects on multiple parts of your body, incluiding:

  • Gastric System - Nausea, constipation
  • Respiratory System - Slowed breathing
  • Circulatory System - Collapsed veins, potential for HIV, hepatitis, and other infections disease when injected
Accidental misuse because of multiple prescriptions in older adults can lead to drug interactions and overdose due to slower breakdown by the body. When used with alcohol, a dangerous lowering of heart rate, depressed, breathing, coma and potential death is possible.

Medical detox in Opioid Recovery
Short-acting withdrawal side effects start approximately 6 to 12 hours after your last use. Long-acting withdrawal side effects approximately 30 hours after your last use. Severity of your side effects are dependent on multiple factors, including:

  • Type of opioids abused(short-acting vs long-acting)
  • Length and amount of opioids consumed
  • Medical history
  • Co-occuring disorders
  • Past and current Trauma

During this first stage of detox most residents will experience mild to moderate symptoms, including:

  • Uncontrollable tearing up
  • Body aches
  • Irritability
  • Insomnia
  • Runny nose
  • Sweating
  • High blood pressure
  • Elevated heart rate
  • Fever

In days 3 through 7 you may start to experience these additional symptoms:

  • Vomitting
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal cramping
  • Goose bumps
  • Depression
  • Increased craving

Our treatment team is here to monitor and assist with these symptoms as you go through opioid addiction treatment or prescription pills addiction treatment.
After about a week, evidence-based treatment is the best way to maintain your recovery.